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  • Favorite Game Original Slots (Cave)

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  1. I have had the same problem twice, and from support on both occasions they told me that the security of the account was the responsibility of the players and suggested that I change the password frequently and that I enable authentication in two steps (2fa) I replied that I already used double authentication and the support operator repeated that the security of the account was a matter for the players. In the two hacks they have done to me, they have appropriated about €150. I know how many online gambling websites and in none of them do you have to worry about hackers, they are in charge of neutralizing any interference in their system. Users don't have to be aware of the game.
  2. 980FCB17-07B4-4869-A100-00831E981389.thumb.png.4d9abf1dc215c826c53e5ec045396892.pngUser Id: 4470687


  3. Ladies and gentlemen, Let's go little by little calm like tame crickets like geese.

  4. The treatment given by BCGAME_Maxim is unbeatable. Thank you very much!!

  5. Fue una gran victoria pero he conseguido alguna más abultada que esta.
  6. I have played thousands of euros in booongo's Aztec Fire slot in a couple of tournaments and I only got a direct prize of €80 on one occasion. I find it hard to believe that there have been users who played much more money than me, although it could be. However, I am more inclined to the idea of the existence of a mistake when it comes to computing the money bet. I say this without a minimum hint of suspicion in relation to the cleanliness of the operator Booongo.
  7. La vida sigue…sin detenerse a mirar a los que va dejando en el camino. Así que leña al mono…que es de goma.

  8. https://bc.game/#/sd/1111JUCGDJ21HV https://bc.game/#/sd/1111JUCGDJ21HV
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