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  1. Hello BC. Gamers and ALL my newly as well as to all my older to oldest of BCGAME friends from all parts of our world. 

           I'd like to ask , all of you. Please I'd like to see just how pissed off of us all that have existing an have existed for past 20-24 months(2yrs).  Just how extremely messed up this past event was . Do not know bout any of you guys/gals. But as for as being rewarded by my HOST are platform.. For my leveling up in rank. " I HAVE NOT SEEN OR NOR GIVEN SQUAT. I HAVE ASKED HOST COUPLE DOZEN TIMES FOR SWEETCODE SHIT CODE.(MORE LESS, MATE THROW ME A BONE). Going be completely honest. My HOST, my dear friend.. He is awesome.. Not just a individual that ask for tip or barely replies to a message I have sent. Actually connect a breaks down anything I am not understanding.. But of the times I have a asked for a bone. He has thrown me 3 maybe 4 in 2years. An 4 is exaggeratin                .. Back to the evene just ended. Was strictly thrown to encourage new players to platform. Which if we all tried to sign up for event. Probably was trap for some . Cause they may have actually opened a new account. Which I pray for those they did not use it. Nor open a menu etc. Best thing to have done sign out it immediately. Contact host. But I'm extremely upset with the past event platform through. I ha e given on flashdrop. I given up coin drops I've given up on rains. Ever since the right or idea etc. For everyone to create bots etc to catch rain drops etc. Has definitely just made it almost impossible to collect on those .  Now our competitive competition our host of the platform, put together for us. Are cool. But I feel they need to breakdown instructions just bit more on how to access wins to post.  Have had trouble with. Just up till past competition CoinFlip. Which I placed O hope an should have taken placement with 7flips @ .85 cents. Now. I am not sure of how it actually is calculated. For each nber of flips is the highest bet classification. Or is it from highest down till 10winners or counted. Just nothing is explained ever to the fullest.  1 to 5 BC Gamers. .. From having experience here till the start.  Please RATE YOUR SATISFACTION 1-5... 5 BEING SATISFIED COMPLETELY.. I PROMISE IF ENOUGH PEOPLE ON PLATFORM. RESPOND WITH A SIMPLE 1-5. . EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED -1. to ABSOLUTELY SATISFIED -5

    .  I, DynoCryp 🤑, pledge to take our concern an disappointment to Individuals it's meant to be addressed to... I FOR ONE HAVE GOTTEN BIT FRUSTRATED.. AND I KNOW THAT BCGAME IS ONE OF THW BEST IF NOT THE ABSOLUTE PROMISING TO BE THE BEST... Together we can make BCGAME, absolutely THE BEST.... Let's make a difference.  Together we stand we are strong. An will be heard. As a crowd or a dozen or less. Will be heard but kicked under the rug.  


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